48 Years Experience! Call Us Today (215) 945-4833 For Emergency Service
State regulations require all oil tanks to have a working vent alarm and a minimum vent size of 1 1/4".
Undersized vents allow for the build up of air pressure in the oil tank. Over pressuring an old fuel oil tank may lead to a tank rupture and major oil spill.
Installation of PVC piping on fuel oil storage tanks is prohibited in accordance with regulations as set forth by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Flammables & Combustible Liquids Regulations in Title 37.
Vent alarms prevent spillage due to overfilling.
When the delivery driver is filling your oil tank, the vent alarm tells him when the tank is full. "The driver then shuts off the flow of oil to the tank." As oil flows into the tank, air in the tank is pushed out through the vent pipe. This rush of air through the vent alarm make a whistling sound. When the whistling stops, the oil has replaced all the air in the tank and the driver knows the tank is full.
If you have any questions about your vent alarm, vent size or concerns about your fuel pipes, please call us at (215) 945-4833.
For an in home tank safety inspection and For Sales and Oil Tank Installations, call our Service Department (215) 945-4833 or 215-493-7455
Financing is Available For New Oil Tank Installations pending credit approval.